Monday, December 23, 2019

Learning Style And Academic Ability - 1321 Words

During my initial weeks at placement, I carried out classroom observations. This was necessary in order for me to assess the children and study their behaviour, learning style and academic ability. I felt comfortable observing because I knew it was something I could do successfully due to prior experience. Additionally, I observed how the class teacher effectively taught the children. This has been significantly beneficial to me because I have been able to highlight which teaching strategies work best. I have made comparisons and direct links between my observations from each year four class. Both of their teaching styles are completely different, but both seem to be equally effective in supporting the needs of the children. This has made†¦show more content†¦When initially planning my lesson, the teacher pointed out to me that I had not considered any alterations for those with special educational needs (SEN). Something as simple as using a coloured background on my PowerPo int, to make it easier for those with dyslexia to read. I did not realise how long planning took, and that was only for one lesson! This is an example of how my learning was scaffolded. I was in the zone of proximal development for some areas of planning this lesson. When it came to planning for SEN, I was unsure. As a student, receiving help from my supervisor was beneficial. It enabled me to understand how I could alter particular parts of the lesson, so that every child’s needs were covered (Bozhovich, 2009). Thinking more deeply with regards to the smaller group sessions, consisting of five children, I appreciate how much it taught me and enabled me to gain confidence. Behaviour management has been a key focus area for me. If classroom behaviour from the children is not under control then it will prohibit the delivery of effective learning. Prior to teaching the group, I was previously aware that two of the children have a strong tendency to lose concentration, focus and withhold a positive attitude within their learning. I had to think of effective strategies such as offering reward systems, to keep the children occupied as well as protecting the learning of the other children. A times table game was the main activity. This in-corporatesShow MoreRelatedIt Is Important For Everyone, Especially Students To Do1526 Words   |  7 PagesIt is important for everyone, especially students to do well in school because it reflects in the foundation of their accomplishments in life. Students affe ct their ability to move to the next level whenever they fail to complete some requirements. It takes many factors to motivate individuals to continue on striving for academic achievements. (Higgins, 2008) It is said that motivation gives big contribution in one individual’s success. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

National Unity Free Essays

string(70) " other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article\." CPPS Policy Factsheet: National Unity CPPS is pleased to bring to you its â€Å"CPPS Policy Fact Sheet† on national unity. In this factsheet, we will look at government policies which affect national unity and explore their effects on social cohesion and integrity in Malaysia. BACKGROUND Malaysia is one of the most plural and heterogeneous countries in the world, with three major ethnic groups — Malay, Chinese, and Indian — plus several other indigenous tribes. We will write a custom essay sample on National Unity or any similar topic only for you Order Now It has a checkered history, having been under four different colonial powers at one time or another since the 16th century. This ethnic and cultural diversity is reflected in the wide variety of languages spoken and religions practiced in Malaysia; even within the same ethnic group, various traditions prevail. Modern Malaysia is increasingly forced to confront the tensions arising from this fount of diversity, and the politics of race and religion. Malaysia has been free of ethnic bloodshed, but there remains much room for Malaysians to understand one another and to see each other as equal parts of an indivisible nation. National unity is a key target of government policy; the Department of National Unity is tasked with promoting greater integration amongst the country’s various communities. However, numerous government policies and laws differentiate between Malaysians on the basis of ethnic background, to the point that many feel they have been the target of discrimination. Overall Malaysians are pleased with the progress the country has made in coming to terms with its plural and diverse nature. Yet, there is still significant room for improvement and ensuring that every Malaysian believes there is a place for them under the Malaysian sun. FLASH POINTS The Department of National Unity defines national unity as â€Å"a situation in which all citizens from the various ethnic groups, religions, and states live in peace as one united nationality, giving full commitment to national identity based upon the Federal Constitution and the Rukunegara. † Wawasan 2020 (Vision 2020), a government policy targeting developed status for Malaysia by the year 2020, names national unity as a key component of a developed country. The â€Å"Bangsa Malaysia† (Malaysian Nation) policy mphasises â€Å"people being able to identify themselves with the country, speak Bahasa Malaysia (the Malay language) and accept the Constitution. † Prior to Bangsa Malaysia, the government’s main thrust towards national unity was the National Culture Policy implemented in 1971, which defined the â€Å"indigenous culture† and Islam as two important bases for the national culture. The 2006 National Education Blueprint targets ra cial polarisation in the school system, aiming to use classes on the Constitution and other such activities to bring students together, while promoting Mandarin and Tamil classes in national schools. In 2008, the government announced new quotas for government scholarships, with 55% allocated to the bumiputra and 45% for non-bumiputra; previously the quota stood at 90% to 10%. The old ethnic quota system in university admissions was abolished in 2004. The National Service programme which commenced in 2003 is meant to address racial polarisation and encourage national unity by bringing youths from a variety of backgrounds together in one setting. The New Economic Policy and other associated affirmative action programmes have helped dampen Malay fears of falling behind the rest of the nation socioeconomically, but also led to concerns of government-backed discrimination amongst the non -Malay communities. BASIC STATISTICS and FACTS Malays and other bumiputra comprise 65% of the population; Chinese make up 26%, and the Indians 8%. (2000 census) 60. 4% of Malaysians are Muslim, 19. 2% are Buddhist, 9. 1% are Christian, 6. 3% are Hindu, 2. % follow Confucianism/Taoism/ another traditional Chinese faith, and 2. 4% practice other faiths. (2000 census) 93% of Malays attend national schools, 90% of Chinese attend Chinese vernacular schools, and 70% of Indians attend Tamil vernacular schools. (Prime Minister’s address to the 2004 Malaysian Education Summit) Bumiputra corporate equity stands at 19. 4%. (Mid-Term Review of the 9th Malaysia Plan) 41% of Malaysians either describe national unity as â€Å"superficial† or â₠¬Å"imposed†, or believe there is no national unity at all in Malaysia. Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 25% believe that Malaysians from different ethnic groups are drifting apart rather than becoming more united, and 15% believe that the situation will only worsen over the next decade. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) There is a clear correlation between age and mixing outside one’s own ethnic group; younger Malaysians are likelier to say they find it difficult to relate with those not from their own racial background, and less likely to say they like mixing with people of a different race. CPPS Minda Muda study) 22% do not have any friends from ethnic groups other than their own. Of those who do, 60% rarely or never take meals with their friends from other ethnic backgrounds. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) Roughly 2/3rds of young Malaysians’ close friends are primarily from the same ethnic group or religion as them. (CPPS Minda Muda study) Only 57% of Malaysians believe that government policies should focus on promoting interests common to all Malaysians, with 25% believing that government policies should focus on the interests of specific ethnic groups. Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 75% of young Malays can say they have never been treated unfairly on account of their race; however, only 45% of their Chinese peers and 49% of the Indians say the same. For religious discrimination, the same figures stand at 82% for the Malays and 53% for others. (CPPS Minda Muda study) Recent polls suggest that ethnic inequality is the 2nd-most pressing issues faced by Malaysians, at 17%, with only price hikes and inflation considered more pressing, coming in at 20%. 3% are somewhat or very dissatisfied with government efforts to address ethnic inequality. (Merdeka Centre Voter Opinion Poll 4 th Quarter 2007) Article 153 of the Federal Constitution states: â€Å"It shall be the resp onsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article. You read "National Unity" in category "Papers" † Article 153 has been used to permit quotas in the provision of public scholarships, civil service positions, and business licences. EDUCATION POLICIES Young Chinese Malaysians are considerably dissatisfied with the state of the education system when it comes to promoting national unity. (CPPS Minda Muda study) 64% of Chinese parents feel the education system is preparing students to be tolerant towards those of other races and religions, as opposed to 78% of Malay parents and 83% of Indian parents. (Merdeka Research Centre Education System Perceptions Survey) 86% of Malaysians believe that the time has come for a national education convention involving all races to review various aspects of our education policies. Merdeka Centre Education System Perceptions Survey) 42% of Malaysian youth reject a quota system for admissions to public universities. (Merdeka Centre Youth Expectations Survey) 37% of Malaysians believe that the streaming of primary education based on mother tongue will negatively affect ethnic relations in the long run. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 12% believe that the best way to improve ethnic relations in the country is to standardise on one education system. Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) Incidents of intolerance in the school system are often publicised in the media. Recently, a teacher told her students Indians were monkeys and children of prostitutes. The government’s response in such cases has been unsatisfactory; in here, the teacher was only transferred, with no further apparent penalty. Students often attend different primary school systems according to their mother tongue, curbing opportunities for interaction between young of different ethnic backgrounds. At the secondary level, many bumiputra students opt for one of the MARA junior science colleges or other bumiputra-dominated boarding schools, further reducing young Malaysians’ exposure to peers from different backgrounds. Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) is exclusively attended by bumiputra students; suggestions by Selangor Chief Minister Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim that it take in 10% of non-bumiputra was protested violently by students. A former Minister of Higher Education publicly declared that he would never see non-bumiputra students set foot on the campus. Although the quota system for university admissions has been abolished, there are regular calls from within the ruling party (Umno) for its restoration. Suspicions remain that the quota system is still in place by de facto, as the proportion of admitted bumiputra continues to hover between 50% and 60%. The quota system for government scholarships remains, and moves to increase the non-bumiputra quota or abolish the quotas entirely have come under fire. National Service is a popular remedial programme for racial integration; 73% of youth believe it has a positive effect on national unity, and 87% say it ought to be retained. Merdeka Centre Youth Expectations Survey) ECONOMIC POLICIES The NEP has ended but broadly refers to affirmative action for the Bumiputera in social, economic, corporate, distributive trade, and educational aspects. Its relevance has been debated recently, with some groups calling to replace this with a non-racebased affirmative action policy, focusing instead on n eed and meritocracy. A key target of the NEP was to have the bumiputra control 30% of corporate equity by 1990; when this target was not met, successor policies continued with a variety of bumiputra preferences. The 30% goal remains a key target in economic policy, and claims that it has already been attained have met with withering criticism Under the Industrial Coordination Act, the state has wide-reaching powers to achieve the 30% target. This power was most frequently used in the 1970s, when vast restructuring of numerous private enterprises took place. Public corporations must have a bumiputra equity stake of at least 30%, although there are exceptions granted. Tax breaks for companies with 30% or more bumiputra ownership are common. The state has taken over several foreign enterprises and established numerous government-linked corporations (GLCs) with the explicit purpose of increasing the bumiputra equity share. Loose employment quotas apply to large establishments, which must employ staff in the same proportions as the overall ethnic composition of the country. Similar quotas also apply to the boards of directors for a number of firms. Civil service positions are subject to even more stringent quotas; a common and targeted ratio is 4 bumiputra to 1 non-bumiputra. There are overt bumiputra preferences in public procurement, where construction contracts, etc. re frequently given to bumiputra-controlled firms without an open tendering process. Government policy is to encourage GLCs to follow government procurement procedures, extending the preferences to the commercial sector. In a controversial move, Maybank in 2007 announced it would only utilise law firms with a bumiputra ownership stake of 51% or more; after public outcry, the policy was rolled back. Price discrimination, whereby the government subsidises bumiputra contractors’ bids, is also a frequent practice. All new real estate developments are required to provide a certain discount for bumiputra buyers. Shares in initial public offerings (IPOs) meant for bumiputra ownership are also frequently sold at a discount. No government policy has ever set explicit targets for inter- or intra-ethnic income inequality. The government monitors the incomes of various ethnic groups, but reducing income disparities or uplifting the poor in general is not a major priority. Studies indicate significant dissatisfaction amongst the Chinese population with the government’s economic policies, which a substantial number perceive as detrimental to national unity. CPPS Minda Muda study) 39% of Malaysian youth believe that Malay preferences in government assistance ought to be abolished. (Merdeka Centre Youth Expectations Survey) Source: CPPS Minda Muda study Policies for a Particular Group Only Sta teme nts on Econ Policies good for Economic unity Policie s 1. 17 1. 04 1. 96 0 1 2 3 4 5 2. 17 1. 93 2. 48 4. 01 3. 4 4. 2 Indian/Others Chinese Malay NEP good for unity RELIGION and the LAW Amongst non- Muslims, concern is growing that Islamic law as practiced in Malaysia impinges on some of their rights. The Lina Joy case in 2007 ended with the apex Federal Court ruling 2-1 that Malaysians legally defined as Muslims cannot convert out of Islam without going through the Muslim Syariah court system. In 2005 Maniam Moorthy (also known as Mohammad Abdullah) was buried as a Muslim because official records indicated he had converted from Hinduism to Islam; his family protested as he had never given them any indication of conversion, and continued to practice the Hindu faith. The civil courts refused to hear the matter, and referred the Hindu family to the Muslim Syariah courts. In 2005, T. Saravanan converted from Hinduism to Islam, and filed an application in the Syariah Courts to dissolve his civil marriage and gain custody of his children. His wife, R. Subashini, insisted that only the civil courts could dissolve a civil marriage, but the civil courts held that they had no jurisdiction over the matter because as a Muslim Saravanan was now subject to Islamic family law. 2007 saw the case of Revathi Massosai, whose parents had registered her as a Muslim at birth, but had been raised as a practicing Hindu by her grandmother. When she filed an application to change her legal status from Muslim to Hindu, she was detained by Muslim religious authorities and sent for rehabilitation, where she claimed she was forced to consume beef and follow Muslim religious traditions. Numerous non-Muslim places of worship, primarily Hindu temples, have been demolished in recent years as illegal structures on public land. Non-Muslim activists claim that as historical landmarks, many of these buildings should have remained standing, and allege government discrimination in targeting non-Muslim places of worship. Interfaith dialogue has often been attacked as a challenge to the position of Islam, which is the official religion of Malaysia. Attempts to set up an Interfaith Commission have been rebuffed as a non-Muslim attempt to regulate Islamic beliefs, and civil society-organised forums on Muslim religious issues such as conversions have been forced to a premature close by vocal protests. Top government officials, including the present Prime Minister and his predecessor, have declared Malaysia an Islamic state although no related amendments to the law have been made. It is not clear what ramifications this has in store for the nonMuslim communities, but some fear this is an implicit justification for perceived injustices like the aforementioned cases. Mean Ranks Respondents were asked to rank on a 5-point scale the following statements, with â€Å"1† as â€Å"Fully Disagree† and â€Å"5† as â€Å"Fully Agree. The statements here read: â€Å"Government policies to help the poor should be for a particular group of Malaysians only. † â€Å"Government economic policies are good for national unity. â€Å"I think the NEP has been good to unite the country together. † IDENTITY and POLITICS 45% of Malaysians see themselves as Malaysian first, with 42% (including over half the Malays) identifying primarily as members of their respective ethnic groups. 12% believe they are equally Malaysians and equally members of their own ethnic communities. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) Young Malaysians have diff erent orientations; 40% say they see themselves as Malaysian first, but 39% — mostly Malay — identify primarily as the member of a religious group. 0% of Chinese Malaysian youths see themselves as a member of their own ethnic group first, as opposed to 7% each for the Malays, Indians and non-Muslim bumiputra. (DiGi Snapshot: MERDEKA Youth in Focus) Ethnic stereotyping is prevalent, with 58% of Malaysians saying Malays are lazy, 65% saying Chinese are greedy, and 58% saying Indians cannot be trusted. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 70% of Malaysians believe they should help those from their own ethnic group first before helping others. Only 56% are more concerned about other Malaysians than their Muslim, Chinese or Indian counterparts overseas. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 75% view their own culture as superior to other Malaysian cultures. However, 92% say they are happy to live in Malaysia because they get to enjoy different cultures. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 67% of Malaysians want each ethnic group to maintain its own cultural identity; however, 10% of the Malays prefer all people to practice Malay cultural traditions. A further 25% of Malaysians would like to see different cultures mix and give birth to a new unique set of traditions. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 90% are proud to be Malaysian, and 93% have never thought of emigrating to another country. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 40% of Chinese and Indians believe they are second-class citizens. A vast majority of Malaysians — 94% — however say that no matter how difficult ethnic relationships sometimes get, Malaysians should consider themselves lucky to live here. Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) There is a clear divide about the political direction of the country. Non-Malays are nearly unanimous in hoping that all cultures and religions will be given equal rights, but this is shared by only 38% of the Malays. 16% favour a Malay-dominant country, while 43% would like a more Islamic country. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) While 46% of Malaysians, most of them Malay, believe that Malaysian society is mature enough to discuss racial and religious issues openly, 49% think that these issues are too sensitive to merit an open discussion. Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) 55% of Malaysians believe that politicians are to blame for segregating the people through racial politics. A slim majority of the Malays, however, disagree. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) The most popular of five different proposals to improve national unity was the implementation of just and fair government policies, favoured by 34% of Malaysians, especially 59% of the Chinese. The next-most popular suggestion was to hold more programs such as National Service and Rukun Tetangga, garnering support from 22%. (Merdeka Centre Ethnic Relations Perceptions Poll) Not H arm onious at al 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Malay Chinese Indian/Others 0 10 20 30 40 race q7a_1 V er y Harmonious Percent Source: CPPS Minda Muda study Respondents from the Malay ethnic group rated religious harmony significantly higher than did those from Chinese and Indian/ others ethnic groups. This is visible from 22% of Malays giving high ratings (9 and 10 on a 10-point scale) to religious harmony, compared to 13% of Indians/others and only 1% of Chinese. The mean Malay rating for religious harmony was 7. 3, as opposed to 5. 5 for Chinese respondents and 6. 8 for Indians/Others. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS The government’s focus should be on the initiatives to promote Malaysia’s domestic entrepreneurial capacity. As history has indicated, entrepreneurial capacity cannot be cultivated primarily through selective patronage and easy access to bank loans and government concessions. The need now is for the promotion of policies based on merit. Immediate implementation of a more merit-based public personnel system in the civil service for enhancing equality of opportunity in recruitment and career advancement. The various public service commissions should be made more representative in order to enhance public confidence in their guardianship of the merit system. Annual intake of fresh recruits should comprise 60 percent of Malays and 40 percent of non-Malays. Terminate the policy and practice of having some public tertiary institutions open to only specific ethnic groups. Set out clear and transparent criteria of admissions applicable to all public tertiary institutions. The criteria should include a weighting for socio-economic and geographical/regional background to compensate for socio-economic and geographical/ regional disadvantage. Introduce/expand the provision of scholarships for academic excellence, to be applied to the top 5 per cent of applicants/ enrolees in selected fields assessed as critical to Malaysia’s social, cultural and economic needs and future. Introduce a provision for scholarships to the next 5 per cent of applicants/enrolees in selected fields assessed as critical to the civil service. Introduce/ expand a loan scheme for all others that will be discounted in proportion to academic achievement, that is, achievement of highest honours will result in a conversion of 80 per cent of the loan to a scholarship, and so on. This addresses issues of affordability, while simultaneously factoring in an incentive to performance. End all explicit or implicit quotas in the recruitment and promotion of faculty as it is ridiculous to entrust the higher education of our young to any but the most qualified. Consideration should be given to the establishment of a special department or agency to look after non-Bumiputera ethnic minority affairs, and especially to provide oversight in the fair and unbiased implementation of government programmes. Such an agency should be broad based and include representatives from government, interest groups, ethnic minority communities and NGOs. How to cite National Unity, Papers National Unity Free Essays The concept of unity must be understood thoroughly by all Malaysians as it not only holds the country together but could also help increase the people’s income and purchasing power. The strength of unity is closely linked with economic development, said Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Assistant Minister of Tourism, at an event held in conjunction with the Gawai Dayak celebration on Saturday. The event was organised by the National Unity and Integration Department (JPNIN) Sarawak at Kemena Plaza. We will write a custom essay sample on National Unity or any similar topic only for you Order Now The absence of unity can cause a major decline in our country’s economy, and we don’t want such things to happen,† said Talib, who is also Jepak assemblyman. He added that no one should jeopardise unity and stability, and as such all attempts by any quarters to garner the people’s support to get Sarawak and Sabah out of Malaysia must be opposed. Talib said such attempts posed a threat to national security. He told those present that Sarawak and Sabah must continue to work with Peninsular Malaysia to develop the country’s economy, and not destroy it. State JPNIN director Dirwana Azool, who was also present, said the event was meant to strengthen ties between the participants and Sarawakians. â€Å"It aims to inculcate the attitude of understanding and acceptance of racial diversity that leads to the formation of good relationships among the people,† he said. He said the concept should be practised and the participants should remove all negative perceptions shrouding it once they get back to their respective states. They should also tell their friends about the outcome of their visit to Sarawak and rethink about the roles and purposes of the integration visit. The five–day programme saw the 75 participants from neighbourhood area Committees, Tabika Perpaduan and non-governmental organisations from Perlis, Johor, Labuan and Sabah staying with foster families at Kampung Assyakirin Phase 1, 2 and 3.They also visited the MLNG Petronas complex, Bintulu Development Authority and Henry Nuni longhouse in Ulu Sebauh. Showing they have a heart of gold, the participants passed the hat around and collected RM500 for the fire victims of Kampung Datu in Sibu. The donation was handed over by its group leader Dr Elanthevan Annamalai to Dirwana. Also present were Bintulu Deputy Resident (Social) Richard Michael Abunawas and state JPNIN deputy direc tor Delin Belaun. How to cite National Unity, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Personality Analysis Narayana Murthy Essay Example For Students

Personality Analysis : Narayana Murthy Essay LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR PERSONALITY ANALYSIS NAGAVARA RAMARAO NARAYANA MURTHY Submitted By – Aniruddh Sarkar Ankit Garg Anushree Vij Gaurav Sakhuja Shantanu Das Sukrita Goyal INTRODUCTION:- Some people leave imprints in our life because of the charisma in their persona. All that remains in our memory is a person’s behavior and attitude in life and that essentially determines a person’s character. As a part of our academic study we got a chance to analyze a successful personality. We analyzed some of Mr. Narayana Murthy’s personality traits. ] BACKGROUND:- This report essentially deals with different aspects of Mr. Narayana Murthy’s personality as well as his attitude, behavior and values. 2] PURPOSE:- To understand the term personality, and how personality affects behavior and what qualities of Mr. Narayana Murthy lead to his success. 3] SCOPE:- In this report everything is concerned with the personality, behavior, attitude, and valu e system of Mr. Narayana Murthy and also how he made Infosys one among the Top IT Companies. 4] METHODOLOGY:- Personality of a person shows his behavior, attitude, values; his mentality and his decision making ability. We will write a custom essay on Personality Analysis : Narayana Murthy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Analysis of a personality can be done by two methods which are Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or The Big Five Model. We analyzed his personality according to The Big Five Model. ABOUT THE PERSONALITY:- | | |Perspective |Primary Outcomes |Observations | |Temperament |Ease of arousal, ability to regulate emotions and impulses, |Remained composed during tough phases of professional| | |energy, reaction to unfamiliar people and events, dominant |and personal life. Didn’t give up while the company | | |mood |floundered in 1990 and had offers of being bought | | | |out. |Psychoanalytic |phobias, depressed mood |Cheerful and lively , adopts transparency hence | | | |doesn’t need to defend his public image | |Attachment |Control of impulse, social habits, security, anger, |Involved in philanthropic and social acts throughout | | |frustration tolerance, trust in others, capacity for love |. elieves in compassionate capitalism | |Self |Guilt, shame, anxiety, self-confidence |Self assured , confident , charismatic | |Observed behaviour |Sociability, aggressive behaviour, impulsivity, shyness, |Social on professional front yet believes in simple | | |obedience |living . interactive, inspirational , never showed | | | |rash behaviour . ANALYSIS AND JUSTIFICATION:- According to The Big Five Model- 1. EXTRAVERSION – has the ability to reach out to masses without being loud . Is a recluse in personal life yet manages to communicate efficiently on the professional front. Is a public figure hence a source of inspiration to budding entrepreneurs and the public at large hence measures his words and conducts himself appropriately. 2. AGREEABLENESS – managed to successfully convince his business partner during the downturn in 1990 when his company faced despondence and was on the verge of a sellout. The partners stuck with his plans to co-operate and in fact with a rejuvenated vigor. 3. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS – has successfully managed to retain and redeem the faith of his share-holders as well as generated share capital for his new ventures successfully throughout . Has been involved in various philanthropic acts yet maintained his compassionate capitalistic attitude. 4. EMOTIONAL STABILITY – has been the face of Infosys for more than a decade, has successfully handled the criticism from media and maintained level headedness in times of adulation. Has an extra-ordinary composure. Despite a weak year to year performance Infosys celebrated its silver jubilee by distributing 5 shares each to its employees. 5. OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE – ventured into the I. T industry when it was unheard of , has always been open-ended to fresh business ideas and proposals ( the newly set up B. P. O venture) , has also focused on constantly upgrading employee training systems and facilities as well as employee rating systems . He spearheaded Infosys’s listing in NASDAQ, the first ever Indian company to achieve this feat . .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba , .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .postImageUrl , .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba , .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:hover , .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:visited , .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:active { border:0!important; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:active , .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u96e3343f25b4b0d2002a45723af5aeba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Installation Art EssayPERSONALITY TRAITS The personality attributes that are relevant for behavior in organizations are listed as : 1. LOCUS OF CONTROL – has been motivated even in times of recession and instead of cutting costs by increasing the employee attrition rate has focused on finding new markets, thus never allowing the external environment to alter his beliefs. 2. DOGMATISM – has a pragmatic approach towards business. Has maintained his opposition to caste reservations in private job market. 3. RISK PROPENSITY – left lucrative job offers to venture out in a sector unheard, has evened out his risks in new ventures by performance in areas of core competency. 4. SELF-ESTEEM – has always believed in his set of ideas, i. e. maintaining an ethical approach to business and inclusive growth by not compromising on employee favorability. 5. SELF-MONITORING – Has monitored himself adequately in the right proportion and at critical times, he humbly accepted the role of a chief mentor to the company while making way for Mr. Gopala Krishnan to become C. E. O. CONCLUSION:- Based on Big Five Model and personality traits mapping system, we can conclude that Mr. Murthy has been an influential, self motivated, reclusive individual with controlled risk propensity while sticking to his values. He symbolizes perseverance, integrity, planning, vision and determination. BIBLIOGRAPHY and REFRENCES:- Organizational Behavior by Kavita Singh www. toostep. com/Personality_development www. livemint. com www. infosys. com

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Clinton Health Plan Essay Example For Students

The Clinton Health Plan Essay The health care situation in the United States is in dire need of achange. The United States spends more money on health care per individualthan any other nation in the world (14%of its GNP in 1991), and that amountis quickly rising. Virtually everyone, from doctors to politicians,recognize the unwieldy situation of health care in America, and realizethat something must be done. In order to attempt to correct the failures of the current health caresituation, one must understand the problems that led to the deteriorationof the health care system. Perhaps the main problem with health care todayis that there are 37 million Americans without insurance, and another 20million are underinsured Another large problem with the way health care is presently organizedis as Clinton helpfully points out waste. Some common examples are: Paperwork: There are thousands of insurance companies in the US, andeach one has many forms for doctors and patients to fill out. So much so,that doctors spend more time improving their handwriting than healingpeople. We will write a custom essay on The Clinton Health Plan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Greed and Profiteering: Some drug companies make over 10,000% profit onthe drugs they manufacture. In 1991, the median income of doctors was$139,000 for general practitioners and $512,000 for specialists. Unneeded Surgery and Tests: Possibly 15 to 35% of certain types ofoperations and tests are unneeded. Malpractice Suits and DefensiveMedicine: Doctors pay high premiums on malpractice insurance which causesthem to charge more. The reason that these premiums are so high is becausecurrently there are practically no limits to an amount that can be sued forpain and damages. Defensive medicine procedures done to protect doctorsfrom being sued is costing this country greatly. Recognizing that waste is one of the greatest causes of the high pricesin health care, Clinton has introduced a plan to revise the health caresystem by eliminating waste, and making sure that every single American canbe covered by a health plan. Clintons plan is based on three premises. First, that there is enoughwaste in the current health care system to cover the costs of his new plan. Second, that his plan will create competition within the insuranceindustry. Last, that his plan can put a cap on insurance prices. The core of Clintons plan is to set up regional health alliances,which would buy insurance on behalf of thousands of consumers. Aseven-member National Health Board will be set up to scrutinize the healthalliances. The health alliances would be limited by the National HealthBoard by having price caps on the premiums, and by assuring that the healthalliances will accept all applicants including those that are high-risk. Each health alliance will have three or four different options (HMO, feefor service, and combination plans) which the consumers could choose from. In the case of the employed, the insurance would be paid 80% by theemployers and 20% by the employees. In the case of self- employed andnon-employed, they would have to pay the full cost of the premiums bythemselves, unless they qualify for government subsidies. The Clinton plan also will limit what types of operations are covered,and it puts restrictions on how long a person can stay in a hospital,nursing home, or rehabilitation center. It would also regulate the wagesof specialists, and the prices of drugs. Overall, what Clintons health care plan will do is put caps oninsurance premiums thereby causing competition between insurers. It willalso greatly reduce the waste by: reducing the paperwork enormously byhaving fewer insurance companies; removing unnecessary procedures byputting limits on the insurance. It will also decrease greed andprofiteering by putting limits on doctors salaries and on drug prices. .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 , .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .postImageUrl , .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 , .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:hover , .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:visited , .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:active { border:0!important; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:active , .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789 .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9760aa2395080e848791a7c2f188e789:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Summary The Clinton health care plan is not without its faults. One of themajor problems is that it assumes that there is a tremendous amount ofwaste in the current system, but many people say that that is an overassumption. Another problem is that managed competition, (an attempt tocreate competition in the health-care market) might not work in the healthcare industry because everything is covered in premiums, and there is athird indirect party (insurance company), which does all the buying andselling of health services. Another problem, which is not a problem with the plan itself ratherwith getting it passed, is that there are many groups opposed to theClinton plan. Many politicians do not like Clintons plan because they feel that itis too hard on small businesses, forcing them to pay 80% of theiremployees insurance, and because the Clinton plan does not limit pain andsuffering damages for malpractice suits.All the insurance companies areobviously against Clintons plan, because it will put restrictions on thepremiums, and he will force the insurance companies to accept high-riskpatients. Many of the large companies support Clintons plan because theyalready pay the insurance for most of their employees, and all Clintonplan will do is lower their premiums. But, many small businesses areagainst the plan because they do not currently pay any amount of theiremployees premiums, and they feel that the plan will take a large chunkout of their profits and they will be forced to lower wages. The AMA (American Medical Association) is against many things inClintons plan, most importantly the imposition of cost controls and thefailure to put financial limits on malpractice suits(In fact 600 doctorsmarched up the steps of Capital Hill to defend their right to earn sixtimes as much as the average American family, and still play golf onWednesdays). In general, no one is happy at the way the health care situation isbeing handled now, but even though everyone accepts the fact that a changeis needed, many people are skeptical about Clintons health care plan. Yes,his plan sounds good on paper, but will it work? is what many people arewondering. Overall Clintons plan is generally good. If it works it will provideuniversal coverage with controlled costs. If it works. The problem withClintons plan, and in fact any other plan is that it has to put limits onoperations, research, and tests. Who is to set these limits that mightdecide whether a person might live or die? Clintons plan also does not allow much for freedom of choice ofdoctors. Clinton is pushing the HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) partof his plan, and if one wants to choose his own doctor, he must pay adeductible and 20% of the costs of the visit. Americans, in general, do not want an HMO type system rather they wantto be able to go to the doctor they choose. American people prefer atrusting doctor-patient relationship, if they know their doctor it makeslife much easier. Clintons plan also has a problem in that it does not limit the amountof money that can be sued for for pain and damages in a malpractice suit. If Clinton were to add a clause about limiting the sum of money that couldbe collected for malpractice suits, he would get a great deal more supportfrom the AMA, and from doctors in general. Right now the health situation is America is very grave, and right nowPresident Clinton has a possible solution. His plan does not make everyonehappy, and it will not solve all our health problems no matter howsuccessful it is, but then again no possible plan will resolve all ourhealth care problems. There are many criticisms against Clintons plan,but if we dont try, we definitely will not succeed. .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae , .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .postImageUrl , .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae , .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:hover , .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:visited , .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:active { border:0!important; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:active , .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5d755406316d9608183af891a09633ae:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Arts and Artist Paper Essay EndnotesBibliography1.A New Framework for Health CareNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.32.Bradsher, Keith Business Leaders Voice Skepticisms of Health PlanNew York Times, October 8, 1993, p.263.Church, George C. Lots of Second OpinionsTime, October 27, 1993, pp.34-404.Clift, Eleanor Big Sister and CriticsNewsweek, November 1, 1993, pp.25-265.Clift, Eleanor The Gender WarsNewsweek, October 4, 1993, p.506.Clymer, Adam Growing Consensus On Covering All, But How?New York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.17.Cohn, Bob But What Does It Mean For Me?Newsweek, September 27, 1993, p.378.Cohn, Bob The Power of SinNewsweek, October, 4 199 3, p.519.Eckholm, Erik Moment of Decision for Health CareNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.110.Eckholm, Erik More Choices, But Also More CostsNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.1011.Egan, Timothy Setting An Example For The Rest of The NationNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.812.Fineman, Howard Clintons Hard SellNewsweek, September 27, 1993, pp.34-3613.Freudenheim, Milt Medical-Industrial Complex:Who WinsNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.1314.Gibbs, Nancy Here Comes Dr. NoTime, October 11, 1993, pp.26-2915.Goodgame, Dan Healthy DissentTime, October 11, 1993, p.3116.Health Care:Clinton Plan, and The AlternativesNew York Times, October 17, 1993, p.2217.Kerr, Peter Reshaping the Medical MarketplaceNovember 14, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.1118.Kilborn, Peter T. Voices of the People:Struggles, Hope, and FearNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A, p.119.Kolata, Gina Catch-22:Lose Health, Lose PolicyNew York Times, November 1 4, 1993, Section 4A p.420.Kolata, Gina Will the Nation Be Healthier? New York Times, October 17, 1993, p. 121.Lewin, Tamar Those With Large Bills See Aid In Clinton PlanNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.1022.Lowther, William A Prescription for ChangeMacleans, October 4, 1993, p.3923.Morganthau, Tom The Clinton CureNewsweek, October 4, 1993, pp.36-4524.Morganthau, Tom The Clinton SolutionNewsweek, September 20, 1993, pp.30-3525.Pear, Robert Delay on Health Care Reflects Tasks ComplexityNew York Times, October 12, 1993, p.26.Reinhold, Robert Amid Mountains of Paper, a War Against a Tideof Red Ink. New York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.427.Rosenthal, Elizabeth Confusion, Errors, and Fraud, In MedicalBills. New York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.528.Samuelson, Robert J. Health Care:How We Got Into This MessNewsweek, October 4, 1993, pp. 30-3529.Rich, Thomas A Walk In SpaceNewsweek, October 4, 1993, pp.46-4930.Rich, Thomas Back To Smoke and MirrorsNewsweek, October 4, 1993, pp.36-3731.Whitney, Craig R. Coverage for All, Wit h ChoicesNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.932.Uchitelle, Louis Companies of All Sizes Tally Effects of PlanNew York Times, November 14, 1993, Section 4A p.13

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Moment of peace Gregorian Essays - Lottery, Free Essays, Term Papers

Moment of peace Gregorian Essays - Lottery, Free Essays, Term Papers 2014-03-18 Moment of peace Gregorian The statistician David J. Hand on eerie coincidence and playing the lottery (your latest book, "The Improbability principle," aims to prove that extremely improbable events are in fact commonplace. Can you explain that a bit?) Things like roulette wheels coming up in strange configurations or the same lottery numbers hitting two weeks in a row are clearly very rare events, but if you look at the number of lotteries and the number of roulette wheels, then you realize that you should actually expect these sorts of things to happen. I think within the statistical community people accept this. They're aware of the impact of the law of truly large numbers. (Why do you think this book will appeal to people outside the mathematics world?) Most people have had some experience like that: bumping into a friend in a strange city, thinking of someone just before they phone you - we've all had that sort of experience, and they do make you think: Wow, how did that happen? Is there's something funn y going on? Is somebody in control, guiding us through these things? (You're pretty harsh with people who believe that there's some kind of magic or divine intervention that makes these coincidences happen. Do you think that this takes the whimsy out of strange occurrences?) All I'm doing is saying, Look, you can explain these things using natural laws. Whether it takes the whimsy out of it - I don't think so. I don't think it taller the magic away - the psychological magic, I mean. I think the wonder is still there. (You use gambling a lot to prove your points. Are you a good poker player?) No, I've been to Las Vegas a couple of times, and I haven't played because I know that the house has the edge and will win - they'll gradually take my money away from me. The first time I went, my wife came with me. She insisted on playing some low stakes same, and I said, "Don't, you will just lose gradually." Guess what? She ended up winning. It was most frustrating for me. (Any advice for pla ying the lottery?) Funny enough, one of the most common combinations is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. So you buy that ticket it comes up, you think, Wow. I've won! And you tell your boss what you think of him, and you leave your job and then you discover 5,000 other people chose the same number. That's not so good. If you look at the lottery card and go across the top or down a diagonal or something, or use birthdays or something like that, other people are likely to do the same thing. The best thing to do is to use a random selection of numbers, and most of winning New York Powerball and 1 in 175 million - probably one of the worst I've come across. (You also write that geographical clusters of people with diseased might not necessarily be a result of environmental issues. It could just be a coincidence. Well, they could be due to some sort of pollution of infectious disease or something like that, but you can expect clusters to occur just by chance as well. So it's an interesting statistic al problem to tease these things out. Is this a genuine cluster in the sense that there's a cause behind it? Or is it a chance cluster? (So we shouldn't dismiss those coincidences) No, but if you do see such a cluster, then you should work out the chance that you would see such a cluster purely randomly, purely by chance, and if it's very low odds, then you should investigate carefully. (I was really surprised to read that 24,000 people die from lightning strikes each year. That seems like a lot.) That's worldwide, so it includes people in less-developed countries who spend a lot of time in the open and in fields and things like that. We tend to think about our own experience, and you're probably like I am, sitting in an office block, and the chance of us getting struck by lightning is pretty small. (That's good point. How about the

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business munication for Nonverbal Skills and Body Language

According to many scholars, all the achievements made by organizations and panies have been made possible because of munication between people working in those organizations, panies, or firms. Without proper munication, very little can be realized whether it is in terms of development or good and harmonious relationship (Harrison, 2009). Therefore, effective munication is a key factor in the success of relationship and businesses. Consequently, I have been in a case where people I was municating with perceived wrong information. As I was the team leader, I wanted my juniors to ensure that all the pending projects to be pleted within one day. However, since this was linear munication, most of my juniors understood it differently, that is ‘projects to be cleared in the next two days’. Barriers to effective munication are things that prevent effective munication between interested parties. Generally, during munication, the sender expects that the whole message is delivered to the receiver (Sole, 2009). However, because the message has to pass through some channels, distortion must occur. These distortions, will not allow the original message to be delivered to the receiver. Some barriers to munication are discussed as under: This is one reason why original messages do not reach the receiver as expected. Noise as one of the potential barriers to munication is divided into two categories; the physical noise and psychological noise. Physical noise refers to physical distraction present in the environment during the time when munication is taking place. The noise may be ing from hooting vehicles, people shouting, excessive hotness, or cold. Consequently, the message may be distorted and will not be encoded properly. Therefore, physical noise can distort munication at any level, for instance, it can hinder munication at the sender, receiver, or at the channel. The second type of noise as a barrier to munication is called psychological noise. It is usually experienced when the sender or the receiver has some inbuilt psychological factors, for example, a sender may have problems in using vocabularies in translating the image into sound such that the receiver can understand it correctly (Battell, 2006). In this case, the receiver may not get the meaning of the original content of information intended. Consequently, the receiver with a perceived mind may further distort the message by encoding it differently. Since the sender has wrongly interpreted the content of this message from the start, the receiver will also encode very different thing. This is one of the most mon barriers to effective munication as it is met frequently. It takes place from the fact that people may speak different languages including vernacular languages while others may not either understand nor speak a particular language (Potter, 2002). Consequently, as the sender municates the message, the receiver may not understand the information, thus a hindrance to munication. Similarly, a language may be too hard for the receiver to understand and this may also lead to the wrong message decoded by the receiver (Help guide, 2016). In some cases, the sender may run short of appropriate language to express his or her information to the audience, therefore, he or she may decide to use a language that befits him or her and leave the rest to the receiver to understand and interpret. It is, therefore, important to choose a language that fits the audience so that misinterpretation of the information is prevented.   Apart from noise and language barriers, effective munication may also be hindered by cultural differences. Culture in the social perspective refers to how people carry out themselves, their living styles, norms, and what they do to earn their living. In the world, there are different races, color, ethnic groups, which at any given time carry out their activities differently (Lavy, 2013). This leads to people speaking different languages, practice different cultures among others. The channel of munication is fundamental in ensuring that there is an effective munication between the sender and the receiver. A bad channel will automatically result in distortion of the information (Miller, Biggart, & Newton, 2013). The information to be delivered must have done while choosing an appropriate channel for that particular message. Otherwise, if distance and channel were not put into consideration, there would be distortion on the original message   I realized that because I did not directly pass my information to the responsible people, they had to receive different information from the one that was intended. I realized also that if I can reach my audience directly and physically, I would deliver my information directly without relying on other individuals to do it. The people who were used as channels in this were not affected directly, for instance, it was not their responsibility to plete the projects in time, so they took it less seriously. The information could have gone a wrong channel to reach the intended people. Therefore, to ove e the barriers, a sender should choose the right channel to convey the information. Some of these channels include writing or just talking to the people face-to-face. Face-to-face is always an effective means because the sender finds time to meet his or her audience physically and there is room for feedback as well (Nash, 2015).    As discussed above, the language barrier is one factor that hinders effective munication. In the modern world, however, people are equipped with different languages, but it is important to ensure that the language being used to convey the message is one that everybody will understand so that they would be able to interpret and encode the correct information.  Ã‚   Help guide. (2016). Nonverbal munication: Improving Your Nonverbal Skills and Reading Body Language. Retrieved 25 November 2016, from munication.htm Harrison, F. (2009). Effective munication. The munication Guide 2(3), 12-17. Battell, C. (2006). Effective listening (1st ed.).Alexandria, Va.: ASTD Press. Sole, K. (2009). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal munications. Bridge Nash, E. (2015). International Education on Principles of munication. New York: McGraw Hill. Lavy, I. (2013). Soft Skills – An Important Key to munication in the "Shift to a Service-Driven Economy" Era. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management, and e-Learning. Miller, L., Biggart, A., and Newton, B. (2013). Basic munication skills. International Journal of Training and Development, 17(3), pp.173-175. Potter, E. (2002). Improving munication Skills and Employability in the 21st Century. Industrial and Labour Relations Review, 55(4), p.739

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Moral Program for Myself as a Person and as a Professional Essay

A Moral Program for Myself as a Person and as a Professional - Essay Example Nevertheless, in order to attain this betterment, I need to come up with a moral program for my personal and professional lives. Whether it is applying the ethical principles of Aristotle, Kant and Mill, or combating moral illiteracy within my department, I plan to use my newfound information to its greatest potential. Therefore, this article first elucidates on the moral program that I would implement in my professional life as a nurse. Consequently, the second part is on a program fitted for my personal life as a single mother to a four-year-old child. Out of all the philosophers that we studied during the course, Aristotles virtue ethics is the most suitable theory for my profession. According to Solomon (1992), Aristotle believed that â€Å"virtuous acts required conscious choice and moral purpose or motivation† (p. 321). In this regard, this is the most crucial aspect that I must exemplify in my professional life as a nurse. Furthermore, the six dimensions of virtue ethics are community, excellence, role identity, holism, integrity and judgment are crucial for an exemplary career as a nurse. According to Solomon (1992), Aristotles virtue ethics has its foundation â€Å"upon the character of a moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior† (p. 326). As registered nurses, we have a code of ethics, which are similar to Aristotles virtue ethics. From a general point of view, the nursing code of ethics calls for a nurse to practice with sympathy and reverence for the natural dignity, value and distinctiveness of every human being (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2011, p. 3). In this regard, I need to engage Aristotle’s virtue ethics as a nurse in order to practice compassion and respect my patients. In addition, ANA (2011) notes that the second provision in this code of ethics provides that â€Å"the nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, and not to the company or hospital,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Introduction Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Introduction - Movie Review Example In the early history of the United States, there was the Second Great Awakening, Frontier Protestantism that lasted about 50 years. When church goers â€Å"felt the spirit of God† within them, they expressed this feeling by running, barking, laughing, singing, and whatever other manner seemed to represent their emotions. This was called â€Å"falling out† or being â€Å"slain in spirit.† The film also mentioned that many smaller, radical religious groups had gained confidence from this new Protestant growth. It carried certain traits that they felt defined their own beliefs. Their energy and freedom to express hopes and frustrations freely was one. Another trait was that many different groups, some being opposites, could still find guidance and hope through the Bible’s message. Slaves and also landowners found representation of their own situation. This gives the impression that the Bible contradicts itself, a claim that some believe to be true. A serious study of the scriptures will prove that God’s message has been consistent throughout the history of mankind, from Genesis to Revelation. Finally in South Korea, Korean Pentecostalism preaches the â€Å"prosperity gospel†. If one gives an offering, they are guaranteed success. To his credit, one Korean minister revealed that the â€Å"true† success lies in applying the will of God in your life and reaping the rewards of a clean conscience. In the end, followers of Protestant faiths do not seem to be united in their beliefs. It is inherent in the denomination that a person can choose for himself the way to worship God. That also attests to the rapid growth and popularity of Protestant faiths, that people want to interpret God’s word for themselves, not necessarily to find out what God wants from

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cause and Effects of Stress in Children Essay Example for Free

Cause and Effects of Stress in Children Essay Stress is a response to a factor or situation that negatively affects the physical, emotional, or psychological existence of a person. Stress is good in small quantities as it motivates a person making him/her more productive. However, too much stress is detrimental to a person. Stress can interfere with the general life of a person. Most people assume that stress only affects adults. However, statistics indicate that stress also affects children. Children face intense pressure from their environment. Continuous stress in children is harmful to their activities, health, and development. There are a number of causes and effects of toxic stress in children. Stress can be caused by both negative and positive situations. Children living in abusive environments, both physical and emotional, experience stress. Arnold wrote that children who are bullied are in continuous state of depression. They, therefore, alienate themselves from their colleagues. Parents who constantly beat their children are also causes of stress. The fear that is manifested in children disorients them. They will not be able to talk about what they feel to anybody but rather keep to themselves. Events such as accidents, loss of loved ones, and rejection are also causes of stress in children. Social change patterns in children cause many stressful situations. Children at puberty yearn for freedom. This creates tension between them and the parents, who are constantly monitoring and regulating their activities. In the same stage, children will constantly be in need of money. Lack of money causes stress in children as they are not always able to buy whatever they may need. They will compare themselves with other children who are in comfortable financial positions. Such children are always anxious and worried of where and how they will get money. Stress in children is not only caused by what happens in their own lives but also by what happens in their parents’ lives. The greatest effects of stress are experienced by the brain. The brain controls all the stress mechanism in the body making it the primary stress organ. Johnson stated that the vulnerability of children’s brain is caused  by the fact that they are constantly growing and developing. Constant stress in children disrupts brain development and compromises its normal function. Research has indicated that children experiencing stress have smaller brains. Toxic stress impairs the connection of brain circuits resulting in development of a smaller brain. Prolonged period of stress in children affects their nervous and immune system. Stress hormones are released when a child is exposed to stress. Cortisol hormones, which are released as a result of stress, suppress the body immune system. This leaves a person vulnerable to diseases and infections. Depression, alcoholism, eating disorders, and chronic diseases are also linked to childhood stress. Psychological effects of stress include changes in personality, aggressiveness, and irritability. Children under stress are likely to experience frustrations and isolation from friends and family. They spend more time on their own and lack motivation. Children may also have difficulty in concentration thereby affecting their academic performance. Children under extreme stress exhibit change in behavior. They may be more disobedient, fight often, stutter, and cry often. In conclusion, stress in children has many causes and effects. The notion that stress only affects adults is wrong. Too much stress, often referred to as toxic stress, is detrimental to the life of a child. Toxic stress affects the physical, emotional, psychological, and social aspects of a child. Even though every child reacts differently under stress, it is clear that stress affects the neural system and the health of a child. Children under stress tend to develop negative characteristics like irritability and disobedience. Research has indicated that there are number of causes of childhood stress which are interrelated. Social change patterns, abusive environment, and stress in parents are just some of the cause of childhood stress.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Economic Underpinnings of the First Industrial Revolution in England :: essays research papers

The Economic Underpinnings of the First Industrial Revolution in England The manufacture of military munitions and the development of a home market were critical underpinnings of the first industrial revolution in Britain. Military manufacturing supported by the British Government contributed directly to technological innovation and spurred industrialization. This is because the companies that choose to fulfill the government contracts to make military munitions found money could be made if new processes and technology was developed to fulfill the huge contracts. Military manufacturing was one of the few industries where innovation was rewarded. In most other industries conservative investors were reluctant to invest in new manufacturing technology. But in military manufacturing the government was the investor and was unconcerned with the manufacturing technology as long as the product was delivered on time. Many technological advances were made through military manufacturing some of these were new ways to manufacture iron, conveyer belts, and the use machine tools . The technology developed for military manufacturing then spilled over into the civilian sector of the economy. And because it was now a tested technology investors who were normally cautious were willing to put their capital into these ventures which instead of pouring iron to make guns now made iron ore into stoves and pots. The second critical underpinning of the first industrial revolution was the development of a home market in Britain. The first British industrialists manufactured textiles; specifically cotton for the home market. The growth of the home market in Britain promoted industrialization in several ways. First, it was a steady market which able to cushion the export market which was very dynamic and had sudden fluctuations. This allowed a steady rate of growth even when exports fell. Second, the home market started the process of urbanization by causing people to leave the agricultural sector of the economy and move to the cities to work in the cotton and textile factories. This urbanization had a snowballing effect throughout the economy because it caused other business and factories to open in the cities to support this new urban class. Third, the home market caused investments to be made in improving infrastructure including roads,

Monday, November 11, 2019

Importance of Physical Education

Childhood is the best period to learn, shape or change behaviors. It is recognized worldwide that the healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert and successful in school and more likely to adopt behaviours that will foster good health throughout life thereby promoting lifelong wellness. The school is being increasingly perceived as the hub of efforts to promote health and well being of our children.With the growing popularity of private tuition, multimedia technology and the presence of television in practically all Mauritian homes, today’s youngsters are more likely to spend their leisure time in sedentary activities with limited opportunities for social interaction. Hence, exploring approaches in promoting physical activity and social interaction in the daily lives of this younger generation has become an urgent need.Health and Physical Education (HPE) in the school curriculum proves to be an effective means to address this need. Thro ugh a life-skills approach to PE, children can develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to grow into healthy, physically active adolescents and productive adults. HPE is intended to address not only the physical, but also the social and emotional dimensions of health, thus fostering the overall development of the child.There is evidence showing that effective teaching of HPE promotes self-esteem, helps children to develop responsible friendships, enables them to accept personal differences and inculcates in them a sense of respect for others. The physical education learning objectives should include objectives in developing the psycho motor domain, cognitive domain and affective domain of individual students. Physical education for students aims at: * Developing knowledge and skills relating to physical activity, aesthetic development, and social development. Developing confidence and ability to master basic motor skills that will encourage participation in various physic al activities. * Obtaining and maintaining an optimal degree of physical fitness to perform daily tasks efficiently and in control. * Developing personal values through participation in physical activity both corporately and individually.* Participating in physical activities that can develop social skills that enable students to function effectively in relationships between people. Enjoying the fun and joy through physical activity, including sports games. However, it should also be taken into consideration that though Physical Education is included into our curriculum, in very few schools it is being taught. There are various reasons why though included in the curriculum, it is not implemented. Some of the reasons are: * Many schools don’t have the proper infrastructures and equipment, for example, some schools don’t even have a playground or there is very few equipment. It is also perceived by some teachers to be a waste of time. We can often hear them saying that if they indulge in PE classes completing the syllabus will be a problem for them as they might not complete it in time. * Whoever it’s not always the teachers to be blamed. There are teachers who actually want to do PE classes but the headmaster or headmistress might not agree with him/ her. The given reason is often that taking the students out will disturb the normal running of the other classes as there will be noise.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Review of The Dream Society Essay

It is not easy to talk about businesses and make them appeal not only to a niche market but to all people. Most often, a book that talks about business, marketing strategies, and corporate culture is believed to be complex and even boring at some point. This I believe makes Rolf Jensen’s creatively written book entitled The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination Will Transform Your Business a deviation from the complex and difficult-to-understand image of business books. The book is about the noticeable reality emerging in today’s business cycle of how the tales and stories behind the products become essential factors that help the product sell. Jensen managed, in his insightful book, to produce an enlightening analysis of today’s business culture and predict a futuristic direction for companies without losing his readers in hard-to-understand concepts and difficult-to-memorize theories. The book revolves around the idea that more than information, imagination will be the biggest selling point of the products in the future. As time progresses and as competitions among companies become tighter and more profound, people become more and more interested on the stories behind the product than just the product itself. A book that intends to explain the flow of the market is often deemed an instructional book that offers tips and suggestions. The Dream Society is very different because it focuses on the trends and phenomena that are observable in the market but are easily missed or not looked upon twice. The book has promising value because it laid down facts along with interesting trivia and anecdotes that would not normally appear in boring business books. Jensen’s work is definitely able to capture the attention of his readers as he talks about how markets today target the consumers’ emotional needs and how some successful companies like Disney, Nike, and Rolex supply these needs by utilizing whatever tales they have that appeal to people’s hearts. Jensen, a talented and knowledgeable scholar, notices how this trend had slowly become the root of huge demands from these companies and he discusses how this marketing strategy will adamantly shape the future of business and corporate culture. Classified under the â€Å"classic Dream Society logic†, these companies are just among those who are able to understand that what the market wants are stories and appeals on their emotional side (Jensen, 2001, p. 3). Companies known as the Dream Society are predictably the ones who will be able to dominate the business world in the future because they could deliver what the consumers want. The Dream Society is actually a vital piece of work that would relate to academic, sociological, and corporate issues. It revolves around the question of what really sells today. Based on the careful research of the author, it is evident that society will give more attention to the stories behind the products and would direct its consumption towards things or objects that appeal to the heart. I felt that the author wants the book to focus more on providing its readers an outward perspective of the market because it narrates in a futuristic sense, providing all the facts of today that are in line with a potential market. The author iss able to achieve this through subtle narrations of personal experiences, analysis on how markets transform and direct attributions to organizations that make use of the consumers’ needs for emotional satisfaction. I noticed that even when the author is speaking in the first person perspective, he never lose credibility of the facts he is stating. Also, despite tackling a very sensitive topic, the book is actually written in a simple manner, organized thoroughly, and given a unique spark by the thought-provoking writing style of Jensen. These characteristics definitely set out the book differently from the others. Jensen’s work appeals to readers because of its insightful and interesting attack of useful topics. It tackles not just facts about huge businesses, but also realities about the people who work behind them. According to the book, more than IQ, EQ is also equally, if not at times, more important in making a person successful. The ability to build good relationships often brings people to the top. What makes the book more appealing is that it addresses a reality that is already being enjoyed by half of the huge organizations while the other half remains ignorant or in denial of it. Jensen’s work offers a fresher and more honest perspective of the transformation of businesses that should not be overlooked. In corporate culture, businesses that focus on being closer to the emotional weaknesses of people guarantee more support from these consumers. The Dream Society also highlights how success stories of companies surpassing adversities and odds become essential tools in dominating the corporate culture. The Dream Society highlights the value of storytelling and the treatment of emotions as commodity as a part of the future of businesses. Products that are packaged in a more imaginative way have the ability to tap the emotions and support of the consumers. The author’s concrete example in the early parts of the book about consumers wanting to buy eggs that are naturally made even if they cost higher emphasize the argument that Jensen wants to present in this book that consumers buy with their hearts and it is bound to be this way for a very long time. Jensen’s work is an understandable prediction for business transformations in the coming decades but it neither offers guarantees nor detailed specific steps of what business owners and corporate leaders should do to make their make their businesses more successful. It only narrates the facts and what influences the market but it could not be considered a guide or directional book. It is an easy, unconventional, very informative, and enjoyable book to read that addresses realities about the market and the corporate world, but it could still not be classified as a guide book on business and how businesses should be run. One of the book’s most creative lines in describing how a business is run is that â€Å"managing a company means staging a drama, daily† (Jensen, 2001, p. 134). And this drama, the strategy of commercializing emotions, and storytelling to appeal to the hearts of the people makes product sell. The Dream Society is definitely different from other business books I have encountered. The author is obviously very talented not only in writing but also in making careful analysis about the future direction of the world’s market. Understanding the needs of the consumers is one of the most basic rules in marketing strategies. Despite being unconventional, Jensen’s book should still be considered a business book because it offers insightful and important facts about the probable future of the market. Even if it is written with simplicity, this does not limit the valuable lessons and realities it shares to its readers and makes it invaluable to the world of business and corporate culture. Reference Jensen, R. (2001). The Dream Society: How the Coming Shift from Information to Imagination will Transform Your Business. McGraw-Hill: New York

Thursday, November 7, 2019

My Home by Dr. Jose Rizal Essays

My Home by Dr. Jose Rizal Essays My Home by Dr. Jose Rizal Essay My Home by Dr. Jose Rizal Essay I had nine sisters and one brother. My male parent. a theoretical account of male parents. had given us an instruction in proportion to our modest agencies. By dint of frugalness. he was able to construct a rock house. to purchase another. and to raise a little Nipa hut in the thick of a grove we had. under the shede of banana and other trees. There the delightful atis displayed its delicate fruit and lowered its subdivisions as if to salvage me the problem of reachich out for them. The sweet santol. the scented and laid-back tampoy. the pink makopa vied for my favour. Father off. the plum tree. the harsh but flavorful casuy. and the beatiful Tamarindus indica pleased the oculus every bit much as they delighted the roof of the mouth. Here the papaia streatched out its wide foliages and tempted the birds with its enermous fruit ; there the nangka. the java. and the orange trees perfumed the air with the olfactory property of their flowers. On this side the iba. the balimbing. the pomegrante with its abundant leaf and its lovely flowers bewitched the senses ; while here and at that place rose elegant and olympian trees loaded with immense nuts. rocking thier proud tops and gracefull baranches. Queenss of the woods. I should neer stop were I to figure all our trees and divert my ego in placing them. In the dusk countless birds gathered from every where and I. a kid of three old ages at most. diverted my ego watching them with admiration and joy. The xanthous kuliawan. the Mayan in all the assortments. the kulae. the Maria kapra. the Martin. all the species of titlark joined the pleasant harmoniousness and raised in varied chorus a farewell anthem to the Sun as it vanished behind the tall mountains of my town. Then the clouds. through a Capri of nature. combined in a 1000 forms. which would all of a sudden fade out even as those charming yearss were besides to fade out. populating me merely the slightest remembrances. Even now. when I look out of the window of our house at the glorious view of dusk. ideas that arelong since gone renew themselves with nostalgic avidity. Came so the dark to blossom her mantle. somber at times. for all its stars. when the daybed Diana failed to coures trought the sky in chase of her brother Apollo. But when she appeared. a obscure brightness was to be dis-cerned in the clouds: so apparently they would crumple ; and small she was to be seen. lovely. grave. and soundless. lifting like an immense Earth which an unseeable and almighty manus drew through infinite. At such times my female parent gathered us all together to state the prayer beads. Afterward we would travel to the azotea or to some window from where the Moon could be seen. and my ayah would state us narratives. sometimes lugubrious and at other times gay. In which skeletons and buried hoarded wealths and trees that bloomed with diamonds were mingled in confusion. all of them born on an imaginativeness entirely Oriental. Sometimes she told us that work forces lived on the Moon. or that the markers which we could percieve on it were nil else than a adult female who was everlastingly weaving.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Function of the Art and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

The Function of the Art and Design - Essay Example This includes differences in the design, function and mechanics that are related to the artwork. This paper will examine the ways in which the concept of art can alter, specifically which is based on the perspective of the spectator in relation to the elements used to create the designs. To determine the way in which spectators are able to define objectification, as well as perspectives, different artwork was slightly altered. This consisted of a chair that had one leg cut off, a second chair which had nails driven into it and a chair that was made from corrugated cardboard. The main approach was to determine how each of these objects could become a piece of art through the object and design that was used. More importantly, there was a specific understanding of how this would relate to the spectators viewpoints and how they would relate to the design which was completed by each of the chairs. The end result was called â€Å"hierarchical comfort,† which worked as a means to show how the concept of art related directly to the potential functional differences and took the concept of the objects and turned it into a philosophical approach. Using this main concept then allowed those who were looking at the artwork to be pushed into different perspectives based on their own experiences. The concept of changing the meaning of the object through function was based on creating differences through the emotions and functions which spectators would have as a response. The design consisted of objects of the chairs as well as objects that changed the function of the chair, such as nails, cardboard or the leg which was cut off. This was done specifically to build the hierarchy of the chairs and to create a specific response from those that were looking at the design.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Salave Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Salave Project - Assignment Example The company has also secured an investigation permit of up to 2765ha for a total of 3198ha of highly potential gold deposits (Asturgold, n.p). The area has already been developed, and access roads, power lines, water and telephone lines are available in the area. The area is just 10 kilometers from Tapia within the province of Galicia. This region has a long coal mining history that boosts confidence on future mine developments the Salave Project. This project is viable since it has a strong geological evidence to support it. Gold deposits are in the main Salave granodiorite and surrounding regions. The deposit contains gold mineralization along numerous north to northwest irregular lenses. Salave gold deposit is one of the biggest and premier grade undeveloped gold deposits in Western Europe. It is an investment that is worthwhile and lucrative. This report will show the predicted future of the Salave project investment in such a way that the investor will see the value of investing in such promising project. Since gold is a precious stone, investing into this project is also extremely precious to both the investor and the company taking up the Salave project. All the data and relevant analysis confirm the viability of this gold mine project. Introduction The Salave project has a basis on the preliminary economic analysis of the project. This economic analysis shows the financials of the project for the next eighteen (18) years. These projections are subject to alterations in the economy and, therefore, the rational of this statement is to take into account the changes and incorporate them for investors to have total confidence in the project. The analysis of the project indicates that, over the next 18 years, the project will generate a NPV of $576 million (Asturgold, n.p). Previous metallurgical studies and tests indicate that recoveries are in the order of 90%. The region has 1.7 million oz Au and indications show that 338 thousand oz Au inferred. This is g ood news to any investor who wants to have the most value for their investments. The robust economy demonstrated in 2011 placed the gold price at an attractive $1,100/oz. The local community is in total support of the project and shows confidence in the mining process. Currently the drive to put Salave to production as soon as possible is enormous. This project is the best investment in Western Europe. Significance of the Salave Project The Salave project is tremendously significant in the economy of Spain and to investors and share holders of the company that runs the Salave project. The project has vast possibilities and positive rewards in the end. Many investors always seek to increase their share value. This is the business that Salave project focuses on among other key goals like to be the largest gold mine in the whole of Western Europe. This project is resistant to the economic dynamics that will make investors shy to invest in the gold business. The gold business is never l ow due to the constant and steady rise of the prices of gold over the years especially when inflation strikes. This analysis will show how the value of the share holders will be on the increase, and the success of the project is the main purpose of the call for investor input from all over the globe. Cash flow Analysis In the forecast of the project’s cash flows for the next two decades, the following assumptions hold: A. All factors remain

Thursday, October 31, 2019

UK employment law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

UK employment law - Essay Example The new employment law in UK suggests that incase an employer violate the employment rights there will be a financial penalty. On the employment area, individuals would involve themselves in any action so that they can preserve a chance for their employment. It would take individuals who are looking for work so much of making lies to their bosses so that they can obtain chance in a working place. They would pretend to be the best individuals before the employer. These individuals may hide much about their health and character for the purpose of obtaining the chance in an organization. Employees may hide their weaknesses of health so that they are not fired from work. This may bring a dangerous outcome when everything reveals itself and it is no longer a secret. The essay is about is about an employee who misbehaved after drinking alcohol in company party. He sat on the copier naked and begun making copies. During this incident, the copier glass broke due to his heavy weight. The mana ging director dismissed him immediately without investigations. The director could have launched an investigation to know the cause of his misconduct. I believe John had reason or cause behind his actions. If he was to face any disciplinary action that would be replacing the copier glass ne broke. Schizophrenic This mental illness affects one during either adulthood or adolescence. The symptoms of the disease are as follows; disorganized speech, delusions, negative personality, hallucinations and bizarre behavior. People suffering from schizophrenic have a low level of functioning and are unable to withstand working pressure in an organization. Every person with the illness is different and each individual behaves in a different way (French 2006, p 20). The cause of john’s misconduct was under influence of alcohol hence this case or condition cannot be handled as an illness. Rights of employee If john was suffering from this disease Schizophrenic, he should not have been dism issed. His condition could have been caused by too much pressure, which he was unable to handle. There are laws that protect employee who are sick or suffering from a chronic illness or disability. No employer is allowed to dismiss, sack or discipline employees because of ill health. There two acts under Health and Safety at Work (HSWA) that protects employees. The two acts are; 1. Employment Rights Act 1996 which deals with ensuring fair procedures in case there is an issue of employee dismissal reason being absent at work because of an illness. 2. Employment 202(Dispute regulation) 2004 this act was adopted to decrease employee dismissal, and govern grievances and disciplinary procedures (Health and safety Executive 2012). John’s behavior on grounds of the mental illness is protected by the UK employment act. The dismissal attracts fine penalties and John should receive his salary and job reinstatement (Lewis & Malcolm, 2004). The disciplinary action should be charging John or ask him to replace the broken photocopier glass and the papers he wasted. The managing director did not bother to know his cause of misconduct but dismissed him without investigating. Employees may suffer from schizophrenia and fail to reveal this to their employers for the fear of shame or they could be fired or denied the job. Schizophrenia becomes a no more secret when the employee behaves in a funny way after certain duration of working in an organization ( A.D.A.M. , 2012). An alcoholic as a consequence of taking prescription drugs There is an act that