Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Moral Program for Myself as a Person and as a Professional Essay

A Moral Program for Myself as a Person and as a Professional - Essay Example Nevertheless, in order to attain this betterment, I need to come up with a moral program for my personal and professional lives. Whether it is applying the ethical principles of Aristotle, Kant and Mill, or combating moral illiteracy within my department, I plan to use my newfound information to its greatest potential. Therefore, this article first elucidates on the moral program that I would implement in my professional life as a nurse. Consequently, the second part is on a program fitted for my personal life as a single mother to a four-year-old child. Out of all the philosophers that we studied during the course, Aristotles virtue ethics is the most suitable theory for my profession. According to Solomon (1992), Aristotle believed that â€Å"virtuous acts required conscious choice and moral purpose or motivation† (p. 321). In this regard, this is the most crucial aspect that I must exemplify in my professional life as a nurse. Furthermore, the six dimensions of virtue ethics are community, excellence, role identity, holism, integrity and judgment are crucial for an exemplary career as a nurse. According to Solomon (1992), Aristotles virtue ethics has its foundation â€Å"upon the character of a moral agent as a driving force for ethical behavior† (p. 326). As registered nurses, we have a code of ethics, which are similar to Aristotles virtue ethics. From a general point of view, the nursing code of ethics calls for a nurse to practice with sympathy and reverence for the natural dignity, value and distinctiveness of every human being (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2011, p. 3). In this regard, I need to engage Aristotle’s virtue ethics as a nurse in order to practice compassion and respect my patients. In addition, ANA (2011) notes that the second provision in this code of ethics provides that â€Å"the nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, and not to the company or hospital,

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