Thursday, January 9, 2020

Organizational Concepts Of Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior application Today’s organizations are constantly facing the challenges of different behaviors and their impact on the lives of people involved in the daily grind in seeking best possible ways to deal with issues confronting them as they work on accomplishing assigned tasks. When leaders have the knowledge and capacity to handle the many intricacies of organizational behaviors, it will be easier for them to find solutions to said issues and follow the path to success. As I reflect from the ideas learned from this class, this paper will discuss three chosen organizational concepts, my reflections as how they influenced or changed my thoughts and decision making, both personally and professionally. It will also include experiences and learned theories that undoubtedly impacted my learning process, throughout this time and into the future. Diversity First, understanding the meaning of diversity will be helpful before getting into the reasons of its importance in today’s organizational behavior. According to Williams (2013), â€Å"Diversity is a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an organization’s employees and customers.† (p. 487). Examining current trends, diversity is strategically utilized by organizations to take advantage of its benefits through acceptance while promoting its positive impact. It is known to the leaders and hiring managers that understanding diversity creates paths leading to success such asShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concept779 Words   |  4 PagesOrganizational Behavior Terminology and Concept When small business owners start the concept of what type of business one would like to own, an array of critical thinking starts and a business owner has to consider questions that will make or break his or her success. 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